CRIPPLE CREEK TIMES History of Cripple Creek Gold Mining District Colorado book 1903
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CRIPPLE CREEK TIMES History of Cripple Creek Gold Mining District Colorado book 1903


CRIPPLE CREEK TIMES History of Cripple Creek Gold Mining District Colorado book 1903




THE CRIPPLE CREEK TIMES: History of the Cripple Creek District, Colorado, 1903

Extraordinary production for the supplement of The Cripple Creek Times, Thursday, January 1, 1903
Original front and back covers.  Spine has been conserved and reinfored with burgundy cloth.
A. J. Harlan photographs illustrate this extravagant publication throughout.
Dimensions: 9 inches by 12 inches; 112 pages
William H. Griffith was author and editor
So you can get a better idea of what is in this exceptional publication, listed below are some of the features and articles: Bob Womack; A. E. Carlton; Charles L. Tutt; Cities and Towns of the District; Gold Production Records; Dividends of producing mining companies; History of the Cripple Creek Times; Future of the Cripple Creek District; W. S. Stratton; Irving W. Howbert; E. B. Field; W. K. Gillett; The Florence and Cripple Creek Railroad; The Central Consolidated Mines Corporation; Verner Z. Reed; Isabella Gold Mining Company; Ed de LaVergne; Reed Investment Company; Vindicator Consolidated Gold Mining Company; The Woods Investment Company; United States; Reduction ands Refining Company; The Great Portland Mine & Mill; Rio Grande Sampling Company; The Lincoln Mines Company; The Gold King Mining Co.; The Wild Horse Gold Mining Company; And much, much more
Just a fabulous resource for research on the Cripple Creek Gold Mining District of Colorado and the historic personalities who developed the mines and towns of this still- producing gold mining area.