OTTO MEARS sterling silver souvenir spoon Silverton Railroad & Rio Grande Southern Railroad 1890 – 1891
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OTTO MEARS sterling silver souvenir spoon Silverton Railroad & Rio Grande Southern Railroad 1890 – 1891


OTTO MEARS sterling silver souvenir spoon Silverton Railroad & Rio Grande Southern Railroad 1890 – 1891




OTTO MEARS Sterling Silver Souvenir Spoon, Silverton Railroad, Rio Grande Southern Railroad, 1890 – 1891

Marked, “Sterling,” on back of spoon

Image of Otto Mears on front and back of spoon

“Rainbow Route” in bowl

1890 – 1891

Dimensions: 5-7/8 inches in length; 1-1/4 inches across bowl; Bowl 2 inches in length

No manufacturer’s mark

Condition: fine; excellent detail, no significant wear.

There are two varying historical accounts of where and when this spoon was distributed.  History Colorado has an accession card for one example of this historic artifact dated, “Rico, Colorado, 1891.”  Another account indicates that the spoon may have been distributed to Silverton Railroad directors and major investors at a banquet in Silverton, Colorado, in late 1890.  Perhaps both are correct.  From these accounts it can be safely concluded that these Otto Mears sterling silver spoons were NOT sold to the public; rather, they were distributed on special corporate occasions for THE SILVERTON RAILROAD and THE RIO GRANDE SOUTHERN RAILROAD.