COLORADO MIDLAND RAILROAD Flick & Ford’s construction camp #80 C. W. Erdlen photograph 1887
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COLORADO MIDLAND RAILROAD Flick & Ford’s construction camp #80 C. W. Erdlen photograph 1887


COLORADO MIDLAND RAILROAD, Flick & Ford’s construction camp,

#80 C. W. Erdlen photograph, 1887

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COLORADO MIDLAND RAILROAD, Flick & Ford’s construction camp,

#80 C. W. Erdlen photograph, 1887

Boudoir card-sized original photograph.  Flick & Ford’s camp between Granite and

Leadville, Colorado.

Image size: 7-1/4 inches by 4-3/4 inches; mount dimensions: 8 inches by 5 inches

Condition: near fine; very strong tones and contrasts, near fine detail.